Badr Ethiopia (BE) or Badr) is a leading Ethiopian Muslim organization outside of Ethiopia. Badr is a non-governmental, not-for-profit, non-political, grassroots umbrella association that is dedicated to advancing the social, civic, network, and spiritual fabric of Ethiopian Muslims in North America and around the world.

The federation will also work hard to connect and address issues with the Ethiopian motherland in matters concerning the religious, civic, and social rights of Ethiopian Muslims. Badr will educate Ethiopian Muslims about their rights and obligations a member of the society under a democratic system of government.

It will also organize and coordinate local chapter and regions establishments in various countries and all corners of the world to facilitate its mission and objectives. In that light, it will also be the mission of Badr to strive constantly and to continually expand its worldwide network of member chapters, regions thereby offering ever-greater numbers of Ethiopian Muslims the opportunity to benefit from its eclectic programs.


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